In these challenging times, we’re concerned for the physical health of our communities, and for the general well-being of people who care for each other and our planet. We’re trying to take to heart Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky’s widely quoted counsel:
“Every hand that we don’t shake must become a phone call that we place. Every embrace that we avoid must become a verbal expression of warmth and concern. Every inch and every foot that we physically place between ourselves and another, must become a thought as to how we might be of help to that other, should the need arise.”
GPMCT has a few scheduled events coming up, including a Trail-Building Workshop, our Small Adventures in the Wildlands series, and the usual committee and board meetings. None of these are large public gatherings. Our plan is to:
- Transition to video conferences for most meetings.
- Assess risk about 10 days out before canceling events. We will post information on our website and Facebook page.
- Continue to keep the office open for some staff, but not the general public. If you want to visit the office, please call ahead (469-6929).
- Encourage individual use of the Wildlands. Outdoors in the Wildlands is one of the healthiest places to be right now. New studies are attributing several beneficial health effects to being in the woods, including boosting your immune system. And we’ve long been aware of the beneficial effects on our emotional health.
In the meantime, wash your hands regularly, long enough to recite the name of each mountain in the Wildlands, preceded by, “I’m going to visit. . ..” And take care of those around you.