
Moonlight Walk

On this day, several dozen intrepid  trekkers of all ages made their way from the Wildlands’ North Gate  to the Baker Brook campsite. There, in a moonlit clearing in the Wildlands, hot chocolate, s’mores, and the very best of company were enjoyed by all. Special...

Monthly Photo Contest 2013

Thanks to Polly Peckenham, Emily Hawkins, Brenda Veilleux,  Nikki Fox and others for their January entries! Thanks to Lynette Gaslin, Sharon Bray, and others  for our February entries.  Thanks to Nugget Wagner for her March entry. Thanks to Brenda Veilleux, Patrick...

GPMCT Annual Retreat

January 26, 2013.  GPMCT Board, staff, and committee members met at Alamoosook Lakeside Inn to share information and discuss matters of importance to the Trust. Cheri Domina discussed the LTA Accreditation process; President Sarah Levine spoke about the new...

Championship Snowshoe Race

The race was a great success. Under less than ideal conditions, twenty-six contestants, wearing cleats, cramp-ons, winter running shoes, whatever, completed the 4.9 mile course. Jeff Lombardo from Old Town was the overall winner.  Go to “news” on this site...

Wilderness Wonderland

With the first snows of the New Year, rabbits bounded through the Wildlands, while critters of a different species lashed on skis, snowshoes, heavy winter boots and took to the trails. Come one, come all. And send us your pictures from the Wildlands; we’ll post them...

New Benches in Wildlands

December 10, 2012. Thanks to Richard Crampton and his crew of kids at the REACH School in Bucksport, several new benches are now available to weary wanderers in the Wildlands. In the pictures featured here, Crampton, Steward Brian Keegstra, and rsu25 Superintendent...